Live by the Golden Rule

Mall employees deserve the same respect that the customers expect from them

I’m sure that everyone has been to a mall at least once in their lives. Or if you go quite frequently, you’re even more aware of this ongoing issue… People being incredibly rude for no reason to mall employees.

People having bad days and being a little snippy is inevitable, but there’s no reason to go to the mall and take it out on the workers that are only there to help you.

Being a mall employee myself, I’ve witnessed this type of thing first hand. People will come into the store ranting and raving about their boyfriend cheating on them with their best friend or some other scenario in which a person would be angry. When you see a person walk in waving their arms and speaking much louder than usual, you know you’re in for a bitter treat.

At that point, you greet to angry customer as politely as possible just to be courteous and they reply with a dead silence or a nasty stare. That customer will more than likely start moving around the things you’ve worked so hard to put in their correct place, tossing things about, and they’ll start essentially yelling at you if they need or want something from you.

Working in retail, you have to be as polite as possible and you try to comply with the customer’s every demand. You try to complete the task as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to not tick the customer off anymore than they already are.

Even if you complete whatever task, that customer still yells at you and makes you feel small and insignificant. What they fail to realize is that the employees deal with every type of person day in and day out but dealing with the rude people never gets any easier. People who work at the mall do deal with a lot of stress; Whether it be to make a sales goal, be polite to everyone, or if they’re trying to work their way up in the company and there’s no need to add onto that.

You should be polite to everyone on a regular basis anyways but especially to people who work in the mall and willingly and happily cater to your every need. Mall employees work hard to make other’s shopping experiences a breeze.

All in all, just live by the rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.